Saturday, June 23, 2012

Movie Review: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2011)

I wasn't sure what to expect from this film given some of the really terrible reviews but I'm glad I gave it a chance.  Newcomer Thomas Horn stars as Oskar, a possibly autistic boy whose father (played by Tom Hanks) died in the World Trade Center on September 11.  Oskar and his mother (Sandra Bullock) struggle to relate with each other and deal with the loss.  A year after the tragedy, Oskar finds a vase in his father's closet and a mysterious key inside it.  Since his father had often created scavenger hunts for him, Oskar thinks that the key is a mystery his father wanted him to solve.  The only clue is the name/word "Black" on the envelope containing the key so Oskar begins searching New York City asking people named Black if they know about the key.

I found this film to be heartfelt as we follow Oskar's quest to find out about the mystery key.  He also forms a friendship with his grandmother's renter, a mute older man, who offers to accompany Oskar on his journey.  I really liked Thomas Horn in his first role and think he could be a promising young actor.  Sandra Bullock is good in a small supporting role as Oskar's mother and I enjoyed Viola Davis in a small part as Abby Black, one of the people Oskar contacts about the key.  Max von Sydow, who played the mute renter, was nominated for his supporting role and while I think he was good I really think it's Horn who really shines in this film.  Look for John Goodman in a very small part as the doorman.

I've heard that some critical of this film felt that it's exploitation of September 11 but I really didn't get that.   I think it's a heartfelt tale of a boy trying to make sense of his father's death and attempting to stay close to him through this journey to find out about the mystery key.  As Oskar goes through his journey, he meets a variety of people and finds himself spending more time than he imagined with them.  Oskar has a variety of fears, including public transit and loud noises, that he must face along the way.  Thus Oskar is put out of his comfort zone while journeying through the city and spending time with people he never thought he'd meet.

B+ from me for solid acting particularly by Horn and good storytelling

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