"Drive" is a gritty thriller with a definite 80's vibe. The movie centers on a dark, strong, silent type only called the Driver (Ryan Gosling). The Driver works in a garage and as a movie stunt man by day but by night he is a getaway driver for hire. The owner of the garage, Shannon (Bryan Cranston) makes a deal with a gangster named Bernie (Albert Brooks) to finance a race car which the Driver will drive. Meanwhile, the Driver meets and becomes more involved in the lives of his neighbors Irene (Carey Mulligan) and her young son. Irene's husband Standard comes home from jail and needs the Driver's help when pushed to do a job for another gangster who protected Standard in jail. The web of gangsters including Bernie's partner Nino (Ron Perlman) and violence threatens not only the Driver but the family he is trying to protect.
First of all I want to mention that I found the violence in this film over the top and gratuitous. There are scenes that are mind-blowing, for example a man getting a fork stabbed in his eye. Also I thought that Gosling and Mulligan had little chemistry to make his interest in her character believable. Unfortunately the pacing of the film is quite slow particularly the first thirty minutes (the film is only 100 minutes in length).
The script itself is pretty standard gangster fare but what is different is the cinematography and music in addition to Gosling's performance. The film has a slick 80's feel in terms of music, graphics, and even some of the wardrobe (such as the Driver's jacket) that either the viewer will love or hate. I thought Gosling was good in the silent, brooding hero role and the combination of Brooks and Perlman as the villans.
While there are positives to this film, skip this one if over-the-top violence isn't your cup of tea. C+ for me.
Violence was WAY Over the Top for me! But, I liked Gossling as well as Albert Brooks who I haven't seen in a while. Thought he did a very good job as a heavy. Ron Perlman too was Good. Carey Mulligan did a decent job with her character. Movie IS a brooder and slow at times for sure. Sad too.