"Jeff, Who Lives at Home" is one day in the life of two brothers and their mother. Jeff (Jason Segal) is thirty, lives in his mother's basement, and smokes pot while looking for signs that will lead him to his destiny. This day in particular Jeff receives a phone call from a guy looking for Kevin and since there is nobody with that name at the house Jeff takes "Kevin" as his sign. Jeff's brother Pat (Ed Helms) seems to be a bit more prosperous than Jeff but he has his own problems. Pat suspects his wife Linda (Judy Greer) is cheating on him and he ends up trailing her with Jeff's help. Meanwhile, their mother Sharon (Susan Sarandon) only wants Jeff to fix a slat on her kitchen closet for her birthday though she finds she has a secret admirer at work which makes her feel a bit less lonely. All four characters, Jeff, Pat, Linda, and Sharon, find themselves in a life-changing situation by the end of the day.
This film has some laughs, espeically when Segal and Helms are together, that are in the vein of "The Office." It's definitely a quirky comedy with smart writing and good character development. It's definitely interesting to think of fate and destiny through Segal's character Jeff's eyes. This film is a good example of how a film can be smart, funny, and moving without a lot of the language, nudity, and violence that seem to be part of the "formula" for adult movies.
I think this film is a good rental for anyone who likes a smart comedy with heart - B+
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