"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" is a British comedy/drama about a group of British seniors (Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Penelope Wilton, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson, Ronald Pickup, & Celia Imrie) who decide to move to India in order to stretch their retirement savings. The problem is that the Marigold Hotel, where they move, is not exactly in the shape they thought it would be - the hotel is a work in progress under the direction of Sonny (Dev Patel) the ambitious young hotel manager. The film becomes a fish-out-of-water story as members of the group of seniors attempt to deal with living in the hotel and living in India. Some members readily adapt to their new surroundings while others not so much.
This film is really a treat especially in terms of the casting and acting. It's hard to imagine a better cast for the film and I thought they had good chemistry as a cast. It's a good story with excellent character development. I like that even when the characters are behaving badly, such as racist behavior, it's not glossed over but fully developed. This is really a well-done mature film with beautiful scenery and a good message. It's never too late to step out of one's comfort zone and what's really nice is the film demonstrates this theme through the older characters as well as the younger. It's not about age but rather attitude.
I think that overall this is a well-crafted film in terms of casting, acting, writing, and production. It's not a typical comedy but more of a drama. B+
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