"Life of Pi" is the film adaptation of the novel by the same name by Yann Martel. Yang Lee directed the adaptation which is essentially the story of a shipwrecked 16 year-old boy named Pi. Pi survives living on a lifeboat on the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker for 227 days. The film is an adult Pi recounting his story to a novelist who is looking for material that would make a good book.
It's often difficult to take a fantastic novel filled with imagery such as "Life of Pi" and translate that into a film that does the written work justice. I feel that this film succeeds where so many have failed. The film is a combination of live-action and computer animation but it comes off beautifully and I feel that the film does justice to the novel. Beautifully told visually and through direction, this film delivers.
Finally a book adaptation that does the job - solid A
Loved loved loved this film!!! ♥