"Stoker" is a psychological thriller about 18 year-old India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska), who has extremely keen senses and recently lost her father Richard (Dermot Mulroney) in a car accident. India and her unstable mother Evelyn (Nicole Kidman) are surprised when Charlie (Matthew Goode), Richard's brother, turns up after the funeral and announces he will be staying with them for a while. Odd things begin to happen at the Stoker residence including people who disappear leading India to wonder if Uncle Charlie can be trusted.
"Stoker" is a bit of a dark thriller and has some definite dark moments. What I liked most about it is the direction and staging. There is a distinct influence by Hitchcock throughout and it's up to the audience to pick up on a lot of the clues that are right before your eyes. It's really a visual treat to watch and think about all the little nuances that maybe point the viewer towards a clue. As for the cast, Wasikowska, Kidman, and Goode are very on point here. I really liked Goode as the mysterious yet somewhat charming bad guy.
Give this one a try but pay attention to the details - B+
adding to my *to watch list*