"The Bling Ring" is Sofia Coppola's (director, writer, producer) take on the infamous real-life Bling Ring, a group of Los Angeles area teenagers who robbed A-list Hollywood stars' homes. Based on actual events, the film follows the group of teens who come together and commit these crimes together seemingly in order to get closer to the celebrities they idolize like Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan.
First, I really like the casting in this film . Coppola put together an ensemble cast of relative unknowns with the addition of Emma Watson in a supporting role. I liked Watson in this film as well as Israel Broussard (lead actor), Katie Chang (lead actress), and Claire Julien. Look for a small part from Leslie Mann as a clueless mother of two of the Bling Ringers.
One thing that really works for the film, which is based on a group of criminals obsessed with celebrity, is the inclusion of celebrities. Coppola has cameos by Paris Hilton and Kirsten Dunst as well as others who appear in archival footage. The biggest cameo, however, is Hilton's home, which she allowed Coppola to film the scenes that depict the break-ins that occurred there. These cameos and particularly the scenes in Hilton's own home add credibility to the film. I also liked the direction and thought the film was well staged. I think the Bling Ring members are not depicted in a sympathetic light here, but rather there's a possible explanation put forth - the obsession with fame and celebrity.
If you rent this one don't miss the DVD extras. There is an extra on the real-like Bling Ring, one on making the film, and one featuring Paris Hilton. All are interesting but the one where Hilton, the biggest victim of the crime-spree, takes the cameras through her home and talks about participating in a film made about crimes against her, is especially intriguing.
Interesting rental especially with the bonus content - solid B
Will ck it out!