"Ain't Them Bodies Saints" is a romance/drama focusing on a pair of young lovers, Bob (Casey Affleck) and Ruth (Rooney Mara), in 1970's Texas. When the film begins Bob, Ruth, and a friend are in a shootout with the police. The result is that the friend dies and Bob takes the blame for shooting a policeman, which was really a pregnant Ruth. Bob goes to prison for the crime while Ruth vows to wait for him and has the baby alone. Years later Bob breaks out of prison and is on the run hoping to reunite with his family. Meanwhile, Ruth is a single mother of a toddler and has become friendly a police officer involved in the shootout.
While not a flashy film, "Saints" is a solid drama with good acting, directing, writing, and editing. I really liked Mara in the lead role here. She shined as the outlaw turned devoted single mother and there's a real depth to her character. Ruth is clearly torn between the life she leads with her daughter and the deep love she shares with Bob. Affleck is strong in his part, as the outlaw determined to be with his family no matter what, but look for smaller supporting roles from Keith Carradine and Nate Parker too. I really liked the comparison in the film between Bob and Ruth in terms of their perspectives on their criminal past and the theme of finding rest or respite. Overall I think this is a touching film and is well-done though not a flashy film.
Don't overlook this one for a solid romantic drama - B+
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