"Oranges and Sunshine" is based on a true story of the work of Margaret Humphreys, a social worker in the UK. Margaret discovers a deportation scandal where British children were relocated to Australia and Canada. Deported children were promised oranges and sunshine but often found hard labor, abuse, and long years separated from their families. Margaret works to bring attention to the issue and attempt to reunite families though she is often at personal peril and must be separated from her own family.
This is a difficult film to watch at times, but it's an important story to tell. The film does an admirable job telling the story but at times it's difficult to follow due to the accents of the actors (there was no subtitles available on my DVD). It's not too hard to grasp the overall intent of the film and follow though but subtitles would definitely make this film a bit more user-friendly.
Good story but a bit difficult to follow due to accents - B
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