"The Signal" follows a group of college kids traveling cross country who make a detour to confront a hacker, who has been taunting the two guys in the group. The group pursues the hacker to a seemingly deserted house in the Nevada desert and finds much more than expected. Laurence Fishburne co-stars.
I don't want to give away too much about the plot because it is a bit of a twist from the synopsis I read before watching the movie. Billed as a "sci-fi mind-bender," this movie definitely is twisted. Though I was surprised by some of the twists and figured out others, I really found the script lacking. It just seemed like an over-reach in terms of the twists and the result was sometimes kind of silly. I feel like with a more solid story this film could've been much more. Rather, I was kind of shaking my head and ready to move on.
This one needed some re-writes: D+
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