Saturday, January 3, 2015

Movie Review: Better Living Through Chemistry (2014)

"Better Living Through Chemistry" follows a small-town pharmacist named Doug Varney (Sam Rockwell), who lives an uneventful life and is constantly over-ruled by his wife Kara (Michelle Monaghen) and her father (Ken Howard).  Doug's life changes dramatically one fateful night when he makes a delivery to the home of Elizabeth Roberts (Olivia Wilde), a bored trophy wife.  A whirlwind of sex, drugs, and possibly murder follows.  Jane Fonda narrates.

This film is more of the quirky comedy than a laugh-out-loud obvious type but it's enjoyable.  Rockwell, Monaghen, and Wilde are good here as well as Ray Liotta in a small role as Elizabeth's husband.  Decent script as there are some twists here and Fonda's narration is a plus. The story isn't really a new idea or a fresh telling but the film has charm thanks to the cast and some good moments that make it watchable.

Not anything new but good cast - B

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