"He's Way More Famous Than You" is a quirky comedy written by and staring Halley Feiffer as herself. Halley is a washed-up drunken mess of an actress years after her brush with fame in an indie movie. After losing her boyfriend, Halley decides it's time to get her career back in gear and the way to do that is to get as famous as possible. Halley's master plan involves making a short film about her newly broken relationship and including as many famous people in it and involved in it as possible (expect some cameos here like Ben Stiller, Michael Urie, Jessie Eisenberg, and more).
This isn't the typical comedy but there's some laughs here. Halley really nails her part as the washed-up, drunken, fame-obsessed actress. Her character is totally crude and not likeable one minute and then the next minute she's funny and worthy of my compassion. In today's reality tv/fame-obsessed society this film isn't too far off the mark in terms of what some will do for fame and fame as a goal in of itself.
Quirky and sometime crude, this is a different comedy that's a bit more on point than some of us want to admit - solid B.
Will add to my list. Thanks. :)